Tag Archives: WhiteGlove

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27. Have You Built a Truly Effective Marketing Plan? With Natalie Grassi

To make sure your marketing is as strong as it can be, you should focus on data-based decisions, and forget the “shiny object” mentality.

In this episode, Brad Swineheart speaks with Natalie Grassi, an advisor development consultant at Simplicity Scottsdale, to discuss strategies you can start implementing for an effective marketing plan.

Natalie discusses: 

  • How to start building an effective marketing plan in three steps
  • The importance of being open to marketing many areas and topics to expand your reach and step outside of your comfort zone
  • Three drop dead best tips for being an effective seminar presenter
  • Why data is a critical component for tracking performance
  • And more


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About Our Guest:

Natalie Grassi: Natalie Grassi, an advisor development consultant at Simplicity Scottsdale. Natalie specializes in marketing plans for top performers and has coached on presentation skills and best seminar and converting practices.

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Episode 21 – Focusing on The Problem, Not The Solution — with Guest Adam Cmejla, CFP®

Are you an advisor with an existing waiting list for new clients? If not, you’ll love this episode as Brad Swineheart and Adam Cmejla discuss tactics on how to achieve just that.

Don’t let your action be no action! By defining your niche market, you can pinpoint the types of problems you need to help solve, without wasting time on those you don’t.

In this episode, Brad Swineheart is joined by Adam Cmejla, CFP®, president of Integrated Planning and Wealth Management, LLC, as well the host of his own podcast, 20/20 Money. Adam shares an overview of his business success and provides information on how listeners can transform their mindset to provide more valuable content.

You will learn:

  • How to focus on actual problems rather than presenting a ‘cookie cutter solution’
  • How social media outlets can drive success when developing your niche
  • Why sharing expert information is not giving away your business’s ‘secret sauce’ 
  • The importance of alignment within your social media presence and strategy
  • And more!

Tune in to learn about how to execute on your business decisions and successfully measure your results to pivot effectively!

Resources: White Glove | Brad Swineheart | Adam Cmejla | 20/20 Money Podcast