White Glove Co-Founders Dean Thurman and Mike Thurman are financial advisors by trade. They relied on the “old school” method of seminar marketing to grow their business for many years. They created print invitations and mailed them to people in an area where they wanted to host an educational seminar. They and their team did all the logistical coordination for the seminar (and if you’ve ever planned a seminar, you know it’s like a mini wedding!). They took on all the upfront financial risk. For a long time, many people would show up excited to learn more about retirement planning.
Then…things changed.
Fewer people attended the seminars, and the ones who did often weren’t people Dean and Mike were hoping to connect with as potential clients. More times than they would like to admit, they put the wrong information on a print mailer. There were times when the weather was awful, and no one wanted to brave the elements for a financial planning seminar. When these scenarios happened, Dean and Mike were out of luck and lost a LOT of money. And, perhaps the biggest challenge of all was Dean, Mike and their team were spending way too much time being event planners and not enough time being financial planners.
They knew there had to be a better way…